

You’ve probably all noticed that things have been extremely quiet here for a while and there are several good reasons for this, perhaps predominantly my taking up a teaching position at Lincoln College, where I now lecture on the remaining Herbal Medicine degree in the UK.  It has taken me a while to settle into the role there, which I am thoroughly enjoying, but now that the dust has settled, I am finally ready to turn my attention back to creating, writing and (optimistically) updating this blog regularly!

Secondly, I am in the process of rebranding – so you may see this blog change look and title soon as I proceed along that pathway.  Once that is done, I’ll be relaunching my fabric designs and also offering stencils for sale, plus my handmade goods again, just not via etsy this time.  Stay tuned for more updates!


This year has been a busy one and has seen the publication of the third book in the Wild Medicine series, in this case Wild Medicine Spring!  You can buy copies from Amazon or look at a preview at the following links, or if you prefer, you can view the books over at Aeon Books and order direct from them.


    1. You are most welcome, and I am so glad you enjoyed it! The June lesson is now in the etsy shop (drop me a line if you can’t find it!) and I’m currently working away on the July lesson 😀 Hope you keep thoroughly enjoying the herbs! xx

  1. Greetngs Ali,
    I have only recently found The Eldrum Tree whilst reading Magical Times.
    Could you please let me know when you are starting the Hands in the Earth course again and when I can sign up to your Enchanted Herbs course.
    Many thanks and
    Blessed be.

    1. Hi Roger,
      I have sent you a quick email with some more information in, which I hope you will receive without too much difficulty! Otherwise, the information on the September lesson can be found HERE – please do give me a shout if you would like any more information! I can be reached by emailing
      Green Blessings,

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